Ellie's First boyfriend

Created by Lisa 7 years ago
Hello Mum
You always talked about meeting Ellie, Tom and Ben's first girlfriends and boyfriend, and I can't believe that you won't get to do that now. Well, Ellie now has a boyfriend who is totally gorgeous and lovely. He adores her and treats her so well- you would love him Mum. He's a teddy boy, but he doesn't like Elvis so you would disagree on that one!!!! Here is a photo for you xxxxxxx

Update in October 2016 - well, he turned out to be not as nice as we thought!!! He finished with her, she was upset for a day then decided he definitely wasn't worth it (he wasn't!!!) and is now having the time of her life with her friends, college, work and the rockabilly crowd, so no time for boyfriends! Phew!
